Marsha Marsha Marsha
Keith Van Whiten


Guitar, Keyboards and Vocals

"I'll never play another gig where I have to turn down again!"


Fender Walsh
Diamond Dave
Dave-E Jones
Marty Fufkin
Keith Van Whiten
Keith Van Whiten


Keith Van Whiten began his life as the shoeless son of a poor Mississippi sharecropper along with his little brother Eddie. His first musical experience was playing garden hoses, strung between two black oak trees. By the time Shoeless Keith, as he had become known, turned 18, he had bought his first electric guitar for 2 Lincolns (2 cars or two five dollar bills, you decide). By 18 1/2 he had mastered the guitar and seven other instuments including the washboard and spoons.

At 25, Shoeless got a job as the head Paper Shredder at the local paper disposal factory. His work shirt had his initials on one side (S.K) and "Shredder" on the other. In a burst of inspiration, after looking at his shirt for some time, he decided that he would call his new lightning fast style of playing "S.K".

In a second burst of inspired thought, he changed his playing style to simply "Shredding"!

Keith now employs his weapon of destruction with Masha3 and spends his free time shopping for Spandex and Leather.

Oh yes, what ever happened to Keith's younger brother Eddie?
Well, after hailing cabs from Mississppi to California, he changed his last name to Eddie Van ... But thats another story.

Rock on Keith Rock on Eddie


Keith says "See my shoes, see my shoes!"


Contact Keith Here!